Reaction and Redaction: An Inquiry into Kate McQuillen’s Unique Approach to Painting and Print

Print Club, 5 June 2023

This very special artist feature arrives in two parts and was conceived of during the run of Kate’s recent solo exhibition A Thief with No Loot at Massey Klein Gallery in New York earlier this year. We have previously shared Kate’s work in one of our Womxn in Expanded Print interviews back in 2020, and wanted to again connect and dive a little deeper into the inspirations and references that are currently undergirding her work, as well as forging potential connections between the particularities of her painting process and the history of print.

Additionally, we’re including a wonderful review of A Thief with No Loot, from artist, writer and curator Amanda Nedham that offers a generous window into this new body of work and is an inviting precursor to our interview with Kate.