Catherine Haggarty’s Call to memory

Zach Seeger, Two Coats of Paint, 27 December 2020

Contributed by Zach Seeger / Catherine Haggarty belongs to a group of New York painters who blossomed between financial crisis of 2008 and the election of Donald Trump in 2016, bracketed by Zombie Formalism and the current wave of figuration. Artists of her vintage tend to be inspired by the likes of Peter Acheson, Katherine Bradford, Rick Briggs, and Chris Martin, whose formal and intuitive explorations of paint are deeply rooted in the history of New York painting. I myself have known Haggarty for years. In 2016, my gallery partner and I showed her paintings in a tiny space in Dumbo. In addition to being extraordinarily talented, she is dedicated and industrious, continually pushing her work forward. These qualities are manifest in her new paintings, now on display at Massey Klein Gallery on the Lower East Side.


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